The forgotten history of birthstone jewellery: Peridot
August’s Birthstone Peridot represents strength, harmony and compassion
Story of August’s Birthstone Peridot

It was once believed that the crystals of August’s birthstone Peridot, found in the ashes of volcanos, were the tears of the volcanic goddess Pele. Peridots symbolise strength and are believe to help protect the wearer.
How are Peridots Formed?
Peridots have been found in meteorites that have fallen to Earth and in volcanic lava in Hawaii.
The peridots used in jewellery are typically found deep within the mantle of the Earth at very high temperatures and are usually brought to the surface by volcanic activity.
History and Meaning of Peridots
It is believed that a peridot set in gold will help protect the wearer from nightmares.
Known to the Egyptians as 'gem of the sun', they believed peridots to have special healing powers.
Peridots are sometimes known as 'evening emeralds' as their colour shines in all lights including low light and under artificial light.
An ancient naturalist Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD) first recorded peridot on a small island near Egypt. The island was closely guarded by the Egyptians as it was thought to be a place of great treasures. It’s thought that some of Cleopatra’s famous emeralds were really peridots. Peridot is the national gem of Egypt.
Colours of Peridots
Peridots are always light green. Depending on the amount of iron in the stone their colour can be more intense (and the stone more valuable). I’ve sourced some beautiful vibrant light green peridots for my new birthstone Satsuma stud earrings.